

Ten Top Thrillers We All Must Read

Ten Top Thrillers We All Must Read

Don’t you just love to indulge in books and forget about everything except the characters and plots? It can be really frustrating and annoying to read a book that has a very twisted plot with an anticlimax at the end. Here is a list of top ten thriller books that won’t disappoint you and will surely make your day a thrilling one: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins Rating: 8.6/10 A 2015 psychological thriller, this book has been adapted two times into movies. The unique concept and different concepts make it a bestseller. The story covers varying aspects…
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One can never go wrong in finding a companion in the form of a book. A monotonous day, a long bus journey or a day filled with calm is always and always complete when you have a book to keep you busy. They offer a form of escape no other form of entertainment can do. Words have a power that one cannot ignore. Wondering which author to read next? Planning to read books by Indian authors? Well, deciding and figuring out a book becomes a tedious task when the internet has millions of suggestions to make. So we decided to…
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7 Great Romantic Fantasy Books to Make Your Heart Swoon

7 Great Romantic Fantasy Books to Make Your Heart Swoon

Fantasy is that one genre that everyone loves to read, imagine and believe it’ll happen someday to them. From childhood fairytales to romantic fantasy books, fantasy is one of the most read and written genres in the world of books. This genre permits the readers to live an alternate life, the life of their own dreams and fantasies, and be the hero of their own! Following is a list of top 7 fantasy books that you can delve into and live your dream, the fantasy style: Song of Blood and Stone: Earthsinger Chronicles by L. Penelope Rating: 8.6/10 This historical…
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Writing a story? Here are 5 elements you need for the perfect package!

Writing a story? Here are 5 elements you need for the perfect package!

Writing a story is no cakewalk. It is a creative task that requires hours and hours of thinking, creating, and planning. Each writer wants to create a story that is unique and interesting in its own way. A reader expects to read something that is well defined and structured and yet has a layer of magic and creativity to it. Writing a compelling story becomes essential for the writer and also keeping in mind the parameters of a good story need to be followed. The time-consuming process of writing a story has some elements so let us have a look…
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Classics- Never going out of vogue

Classics- Never going out of vogue

It remains no doubt that the classic literary pieces such as novels, poems, plays, and stories have survived generation after generation and are yet the most read of all genres. Through the years the classics have provided us with beautiful insights into how the world today became what it is. In the times where technology has held us tight in its grip, the classics never fail to offer an escape from the harsh reality we are living in. Undoubtedly, mankind has seen the worst with the ongoing pandemic and has made us prisoners to the four walls that we are…
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Review of ‘The Love Stories from Lockdown Days’

Review of ‘The Love Stories from Lockdown Days’

Quarantine has obviously impacted the world negatively; however, among its few pros, one of them is the birth of Lockdown literature. Lockdown saw a socio-cultural change globally, which became the inspiration for many texts spewed out by authors during that time. One of the amazing additions in this type of Literature was a collection by Anushka Mehta, released on the 10th of January this year. This is her third Kindle release, namely ‘The Love Stories from Lockdown Days’. The book consists of ten stories, all of them different, yet connected by one theme, i.e. all of them happened during the…
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The world is so full of stories waiting to be shared.

The world is so full of stories waiting to be shared.

An Interview with Manali Desai  Booked4Books became a platform for the Digital launch of Manali’s Latest Book, ‘The Art of Being Grateful’ in the month of July. Now, with the launch of the Paperback version, she gives us a detail about her book and peeks into her exciting journey.   B4B:- For those who don't know could you start by telling us a little bit about your latest book The Art of Being Grateful & Other Stories?  Manali:  So, my latest book The Art of Being Grateful & Other Stories is a collection of 8 short stories (flash fiction rather).…
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The Art of Being Grateful and other stories

The Art of Being Grateful and other stories

Review by Anushka Mehta.   We live stories and then there are some authors who believes in putting it down on a paper. A paper that would last longer than for the time we lived that story. Manali Desai, has taken an inspiration from such lived stories of life. While adding a spice to them she took it to different genres being it romance, thriller, mystery, and inspirational.   Her book is divided into eight sections and counting to the most promising section. I still want to believe Aashna was dreaming about hearing her own voice asking for help on…
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The Swap

The Swap

Review by Anushka Mehta.   Shuma Raha in her Debut Novel is challenging the sacred institution of marriage among the Elite class of our society. Set up in the Capital city while its roots are in Kolkata. The Protagonist Priya Bakshi and Aakash are in their six year old marriage lacking all sorts of romance, affection and intimacy. The story moved on a straight path, introducing the various characters and their role, as all shared a similar class along with their individuality.   All the characters are represented as liberal, educated and westernised individuals in reputed professionals being Journalist, Chartered…
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Every Story Makes Me A Better Person

Every Story Makes Me A Better Person

An interview with Shalini. P. Sawkar Author Shalini Sawkar is one of the young authors who started writing at an early age. Known for weaving interesting plots Shalini has recently come up with her latest book ‘When I Find You’ which is a suspense thriller. Booked4Books caught her last week and asked few questions. She gives us a detail about her book and a peek into her exciting journey as an author. B4B: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? SS: I realized I wanted to be a writer at the age of 10, when I…
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