

How to make a character really creepy?

How to make a character really creepy?

A creepy character may not have the importance the protagonist, love interest or villain has – but there are more than essential in most stories.These can appear in any form – a stalker, someone simply off-putting, a villain, or even the staple entities from the horror stories. They give the story an edge –luring the readers into the narrative even more. But their role helps more in furthering the plotline, though it may be more subtle. For instance, if it’s a stalker in a romance book, they just give more incentive to bring the protagonist and their love interest closer.…
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Best Books For Mental Health

Best Books For Mental Health

Books are our best friends. It can give us comfort in the form of words. They can serve as a gateway to other worlds, a bridge to a different past or future, a base for philosophies, and a support system in times of need. Reading, in a literal sense, can transform your brain and establish distinct patterns within it, according to study. Reading allows you to discover new facts and abilities that you may not have known previously. While suffering from a mental illness might feel isolating, 20 percent of the United State population Trusted Source suffers from it each…
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As fresh as a Daisy – Seven New Bestselling YA Novels published in 2022

As fresh as a Daisy – Seven New Bestselling YA Novels published in 2022

A new year promises so many things – hope, another chance to transform yourself,new opportunities… and newly published novels! Books are published literally every week, if not every day. But most of the stories only get their well-deserved recognition until after the year has passed. I mean, I only got to know about the Midnight Library and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo last year. And that too because they were globally acknowledged way after they were published! To not let that happen again – because we all deserve to know good books as soon as they are available to…
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How to use social media platforms as a writer?

How to use social media platforms as a writer?

All writers know by now that simply writing a story and hoping for the best doesn’t work anymore. A writer has to make sure whether their work is getting the right audience or not. And believe me, that can be a daunting task! Thankfully, by the power of technology vested in us, a writer can make full use of social media to further their creative endeavors. How, you ask? Well, social media platforms are not only for influencers and celebrities! As a writer, there are many – I can’t really emphasize many enough here – ways you can utilize social…
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Love is the pages – The Real Reason Behind Every Story Having A Romantic Subplot

Love is the pages – The Real Reason Behind Every Story Having A Romantic Subplot

All romantic novels end the same way, but it’s the process of getting there that provides all the enjoyment. ― Candice Hern  Let’s imagine you can’t stand a romance novel. So, you sit down with a seemingly thrilling book with a kickass blurb and start reading. But wait, what is this? The story has a romance brewing, even if it is in the subplot. Some readers love romance in every book they read because they are hopeless romantics at heart! But there are people (like me) who would think romance is not that pertinent in every single novel (unless it’s…
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Sarcasm, Wine and Everything Fine – 7 Sassiest Protagonists of all Times

Sarcasm, Wine and Everything Fine – 7 Sassiest Protagonists of all Times

Well-written protagonists are so hard to come across. You’ve to scour through hordes of novels (and spend sleepless nights in the process, because night-time equals reading time) to find one that you can hopelessly fall in love with. Imagine if this is the case with well-written characters, what would be the process to find the sassiest personalities in between the printed pages? It’ll be lengthier, that is for sure. But don’t worry, I have done the hard part for you eager readers; compiled down below are the sassiest, snarkiest protagonists of all times. Proceed at your own discretion though –…
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What are Writing Prompts?

What are Writing Prompts?

When it comes to writers and their way of writing their stories, their routines only get weirder and weirder. For Murakami, when he’s working on his novel, he gets up at 4 AM to write his story for 5-6 hours straight. Then he runs 10 km or swims for 1500 meters, relaxes a bit, and by 9 PM, he’s asleep. As for Maya Angelou, she used to have a hotel room booked so that whenever she was hit with that inspiration, she’d go there and work on her idea in peace. And for Ernest Hemingway, he would actually stand at…
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Why is Science fiction popular in today’s world?

Why is Science fiction popular in today’s world?

It's easy to wonder, in a world that's becoming more fanciful and science fiction by the day, what's the point of science fiction or fantasy? After all, we now have technology in our pockets and homes that well exceed the projections of earlier sci-fi, many of us actually own magic mirrors and weather oracles. However, many of us continue to write and enjoy science fiction and fantasy. Why? In this article, we're going to have a look at why and how science fiction has taken over people's attention over a period of time. Let's get started Science Fiction - A…
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The fated love – The concept of soulmates and its portrayal in books.

The fated love – The concept of soulmates and its portrayal in books.

Out of all the uncanny concepts we have floating around in the universe, one of the most riveting has to be the concept of soulmates. Two people destined to be with each other, no matter what happens? Sign me up! Fortunately, soulmates are not limited to your romantic relationships – you can find your soulmate in platonic and familial relationships as well. However, modern literature has always turned a blind eye to platonic soulmates, instead opting to show the concept from a romantic perspective. The Red Thread of Fate, destiny, twin flames – there are so many concepts to replace…
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Digging deep into the roots South-Asian culture through these fictional books 

Digging deep into the roots South-Asian culture through these fictional books 

When most Americans think of South Asia, images of elephants, snake charmers, and the dismal poverty is shown in Slumdog Millionaire come to mind; for the most part, South Asian novels are classified as "serious fiction" with substantial social or political commentary or as a minor sidekick to Southeast Asian literature. (This is odd because, unlike much Southeast Asian literature, most modern South Asian writers are more accessible in specific ways because they write in English.) However, these books, written by South Asian and South Asian diaspora writers, avoid stereotypes. Here are a few exciting reads written by south-Asian writers…
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