
Agatha Christie

Women authors who changed the world of literature

Women authors who changed the world of literature

From about 1750 English women began to make inroads into the literary marketplace, but writing did not become a recognizable profession for women until the 1840’s. Even when women started writing, they were not allowed to own their work, They had to work for someone else or they had to acquire a pen name for the novels they wrote. This happened because people would not buy books written by women in the typical patriarchal society of the eighteenth century. The famous author of ‘Little Women’, Louisa May Alcott used pen names such as A. M. Barnard, under whom she wrote…
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Agatha Christie: the queen of suspense and thrillers

Agatha Christie: the queen of suspense and thrillers

By Navya D. “Ah! Madame, I reserve the explanations for the last chapter.” – Agatha Christie, Evil Under the Sun. Agatha Christie has often been criticized for not showcasing the after effects of murders since most of her novels revolve around suspense thrillers and murders. But, human dynamic has been the subject of interest of Agatha rather than the blood, gore, and grief. In the same manner, most of her works were set aside for they are considered too fictional. True that! The things in her novels couldn’t have happened in real life. Does that not make Agatha a brilliant…
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